Inter club Shield event 2024 Winners
Posted: 21/11/24
A massive well done to Sion James and his team of riders during 2024 for winning the event for the second year.
Christopher Aldous
Alex Boakes
Jayson Brown
James Brown
Ro Cole
Ian Culmer
Jason Culmer
Gary Davies
Mike Dencher
Oliver Dencher
Mark Dennis
Emily Farnworth
Ben Gibson
Si Gittings
Nick Gracie
Sion James
Brendon Jones
Jon Heissig
Steve Higgins-Worrall
Michael Holloway
Jason Howell
Richard Howell
Mike Manning
Matthew McMillan
Gareth Modget
Beth Perrou
Chris Porter
Rob Sanderson/Jim Sanderson
Andy Stott
To be successful in the event it is imperative to defend your clubs events but mainly to raid points from other clubs. Organisation for this is key and Black mountains have been able to achieve.
Get behind your respective clubs and challenge them in 2025 and get your names on the Shield.